VMI Cadet Research Abstracts

Cadets at VMI are able to present their research each year at the Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS).

The 2024 URS will take place April 3 in Marshall Hall. The following cadets will be part of the event. Their abstracts are available to view and we encourage all interested parties to attend this important event.

Cadet Department TItle & Abstract Presentation Type
Basener, Abigail Applied Mathematics Data Seriation Techniques with Average Repelling Distance in the Tree-penalized Path Length Method

Understanding the structure of data allows for many aspects of data analysis. Data ordering, otherwise known as data seriation, is a useful tool that helps to understand the data structure better. For example, one can use an ordering of data obtained by a seriation method to reorder the rows and columns of the distance matrix...

Huang, Hai-Hsin  Applied Mathematics Mathematical Modeling of Natural Killer Cells

The immune system is pivotal in combating viral infections, particularly during the annual flu season. Influenza A, commonly known as the flu, is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza A virus, primarily transmitted through droplet transmission (Dhand 2020)...

Gray-Barth, Maxine and Armstrong, Jason Applied Mathematics Data Analytics for Augmented Reality Control in Army Next-Generation Gound Combat Vehicles

Technological innovations can be leveraged to gain a competitive advantage over opposing forces in defense applications. For instance, augmented vision technology can be harnessed to extend the visual line of sight (VLOS), increase survivability, and decrease workload of US Army soldiers...

Handford, Gabriella Biology Effect of Psychedelic Drug Therapy on Male Betta Splendens Aggression as Compared to Traditional Pharmaceuticals

Aggression is linked to the serotonin system, making aggression a visible proxy for study of the impact of different serotonin modulators on an animal’s behavior. Betta fish have both an aggressive phenotype and the same serotonin receptors as humans...

Orndorff, Katherine Biology Behavioral Responses of Tenebrio molitor and Tribolium confusum to Volatiles Identified from Hymenolepis Diminuta Infected Rat Fece

The tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta lives in rat intestines and passes its eggs through the rat’s feces. The infected feces are then consumed by an intermediate host beetle to continue their life cycle. Previous studies revealed that the beetles Tenebrio molitor and Tribolium confusum exhibit attractive behavior towards H. diminuta infected feces...

Porter, Lawrence Civil and Environmental Engineering The Serviceability Response of a VMI Foot Bridge on the Chessie Nature Trail

This paper presents the results of the deflection tests carried out on a pedestrian bridge on the Chessie Nature Trail in Lexington, Va. Vertical and lateral deflections caused by live loads crossing the bridge were analyzed...

Hudgins, Rachel Psychology Examining the Influence of Various Time Periods on Mood Through Best Possible Self

The intervention known as Best Possible Self (BPS) is an activity that requires individuals to envision their future as if all their life goals have been achieved. The BPS prompt has been used in numerous studies since first being introduced by King (2001)...


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