
Virginia Military Institute is proud to co-host this event with Senator Mark R. Warner, the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, and the Virginia Cyber Range.

This invitation-only event combines a collegiate cyber competition with learning and career opportunities that emphasize Cyber Fusion. Commonwealth Cyber Fusion is co-hosted by Virginia Military Institute, Senator Mark R. Warner, the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, and the Virginia Cyber Range.

A National Priority

Cybersecurity is one of the nation’s and Commonwealth’s top priorities. For Virginia to continue leading in this rapidly evolving space, we need to develop a sustainable talent pipeline capable of providing skilled, industry-ready workers to meet this increasing demand. Cyber Fusion is the organized integration of data and tools from disparate sources of support for secure and resilient system lifecycles.

Recruit Your Cyber Security Workforce

In the past, we've had sponsors from SAIC, SAP's NS2, Amazon Web Services, Army ROTC, Booz Allen, Northrop Grumman, Perspecta, and others.

For information on becoming a corporate co-host, contact Kim Connolly at or 540-464-7740.


Link to various Cyber Fusion event resources:

Thank You CyberFusion Sponsors



Founding Sponsors:



Supporting Sponsors:

 Army ROTC Logo

Job Fair Sponsor:


ICF-Cybersecurity Youth Apprenticeship Initiative