International Applicants
All applicants, regardless of their nationality, are required to submit a completed VMI application with a complete record of all secondary school academic work. The application must also include letters of recommendation from a guidance counselor, teacher, or other secondary school official. Be sure to review the complete Checklist of Required and Supplemental Documents - International Applicants and contact our team if you have any questions.

Language Tests
International students whose first language is English must also take either the SAT I or ACT. Students whose first language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). High school guidance counselors, American embassies, consulates, offices of the U.S. Information Service, or other educational agencies can provide information about the tests. If the information is not locally available, international students should contact:
Educational Testing Service
Princeton, New Jersey, 08540

Visa Process
Once a student has been offered a conditional appointment and presents evidence of adequate financial resources, the Office of Admissions will submit the necessary student information to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to begin the visa process. For more information on this process, please contact the Office of Admissions or the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
In addition to academic and visa requirements, all foreign students must meet the required VMI medical and physical standards.