Faculty and Staff
George A. Abry
M.A. - John Hopkins University
424 Scott Shipp Hall
George A. Abry

George Abry (M.A., Johns Hopkins University) is an instructor in the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies. Prior to coming to VMI in 2009, he worked as a professional writer and editor in New Orleans, where he was a regular contributor to The Times-Picayune and The Old House Journal, and covered New Orleans tourism for TravelAgeWest, a West Coast travel industry publication. In addition to feature writing, he has worked on a number of technical writing and public history projects for cultural resource management companies, including URS Corporation. Currently teaching ERH103, Mr. Abry lives in Lexington with his wife, Andrea, and their two daughters.
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Dr. Reshef Agam-Segal
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Oxford
465 Scott Shipp Hall
Dr. Reshef Agam-Segal
Dr. Reshef Agam-Segal completed his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Born and raised in Israel, he moved to the United States in 2008. He taught philosophy at Auburn University (AL) before joining VMI in 2012. Dr. Agam-Segal specializes in the philosophy of Wittgenstein, and in moral philosophy, and he has special interests in the logic of figurative language, as well as the relations between philosophy and literature. He has published papers in several professional international journals, including Inquiry, Philosophy, Metaphilosophy, the Journal of Philosophical Research, and the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy. He is the co-editor of Wittgenstein’s Moral Thought (Routledge, 2017).
Associate Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Maj. Kimberly T. Anderson, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D. – Florida State University
429 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Kimberly T. Anderson, Ph.D.
MAJ Kimberly Anderson earned her Ph.D. in English from Florida State University in 2018. She taught at Wittenberg University before joining the faculty at VMI in 2020 as a Visiting Assistant Professor. Her scholarship focuses on gender in French and English Medieval literature and the pre- and early modern technologies of text production. She has published her work in Le Cygne and Neophilologus. At VMI, MAJ Anderson has taught extracurricular workshops on the production of medieval manuscripts and paper-making in the Renaissance period, and works closely with Cadence and Sigma Tau Delta.
Courses taught:
ERH 101—Rhetoric and Composition I
ERH 102—Rhetoric and Composition II
ERH 205 – British Literary Traditions
Visiting Assistant Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Lt. Col. Mary S. ‘Polly’ Atwell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.F.A. - Washington University
431 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Mary S. ‘Polly’ Atwell, Ph.D.
Lt. Col. Mary Stewart Atwell came to VMI in 2015. Previously, she taught at Cal Poly State University and Missouri State University. She received her B.A. from Hollins University, her M.A. from the University of Virginia, and her M.F.A. and Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. Lt. Col. Atwell teaches courses in British literature and creative writing, specializing in fiction. She serves as the Institute Pre-Law Advisor and the Alumni Network Coordinator in the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies.
Lt. Col. Atwell is the author of the novels The Good Ones (forthcoming from Harper Books) and Wild Girls (Scribner). Her short fiction has appeared in Epoch and Alaska Quarterly Review, among other journals, and in the anthologies Best New American Voices and Best American Mystery Stories. Her articles and essays have appeared in The New York Times, Poets & Writers, and The Writer's Chronicle, and in the anthology Paperback Writer: Literary Advice into the Twenty-First Century (Palgrave).
Associate Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Lt. Col. Julie P. Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., M.F.A. - Cornell University
438 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Julie P. Brown, Ph.D.

Lt. Col. Julie Phillips Brown is an interdisciplinary poet, visual artist, literary critic, and editor. She is the author of The Adjacent Possible (Green Writers Press, 2021), winner of the Hopper Poetry Prize, and a recipient of the Freund Prize from Cornell University. Her scholarship focuses on the intersections of 19th-21st century poetry and poetics with visual art, the history of the book and book arts, digital technology, and race, gender, and sexuality. Her poems and essays have appeared in Ariadne, Borderlands, Columbia Poetry Review, Contemporary Women’s Writing, Crab Orchard Review, Denver Quarterly, interim, Jacket2, Nashville Review, The Rumpus, Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, Vassar Review, and elsewhere. A native of Philadelphia, Lt. Col. Brown loves living in Lexington and working with cadets to support their writing, visual art, and research projects.
Associate Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Maj. Adam W. Cody, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Specialist in Oral and Digital Communication
Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University
433 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Adam W. Cody, Ph.D.
Maj. Adam Cody studies and teaches rhetoric as the art of effective communication. He earned a doctorate in Communication Arts and Sciences from The Pennsylvania State University in 2020 and joined the Virginia Military Institute’s academic faculty later that same year.
In his capacity as Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Composition, and Oral Communication, it has been Maj. Cody’s pleasure to teach ERH 103: Fundamentals of Public Speaking, ERH 201: Rhetorical Traditions I (covering the ancient, medieval, and Renaissance periods), ERH 202: Rhetorical Traditions II (covering the modern and post-modern periods), ERH 301: Rhetoric and Public Address, and ERH 302: Civic Discourse. Students in Maj. Cody’s classes may expect to encounter practical exercises and open discussions designed to hone their abilities with the transferable skills of communication.
As a scholar, Maj. Cody is a historian of arguments and narratives relating to topics of democracy, citizenship, and empire, with a particular focus on the Greco-Roman rhetorical tradition. His most recent publication, “Dialectics, Post-Dialectics, and the Democratic Argument of Lysias XII,” was published in December 2022 by Argumentation and Advocacy. This essay argues that post-dialectical persuasive forces, such as fascistic argument, can be explained in dialectical terms as practices of strategic maneuvering. The essay goes on to identify the concept of “democratic argument,” a type of post-dialectical persuasion that seeks to control the terms of discourse by negating disinterested choice. Ongoing and future projects focus on the forensic speeches of 5th-century BCE Attic orator Antiphon of Rhamnus and on the 4th-century BCE textbook Rhetorica ad Alexandrum.
Maj. Cody also supports the Writing Center as the Oral and Digital Communication Specialist. He encourages any cadets who are interested in or would like help with public speaking to arrange a meeting with him.
Assistant Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Annick H. Dupal
M.S. - James Madison University
428 Scott Shipp Hall
Annick H. Dupal
Annick Dupal has been teaching part-time at VMI since fall 2017; she also teaches at James Madison University. Her teaching areas include public speaking, communication theory, intercultural communication, public relations writing techniques, intro to communication research, and other courses. At VMI, she teaches freshman composition, public speaking, and technical communication.
Professor Dupal holds a bachelor's degree in Communication Media and Foreign Languages from The American University (Washington, D.C.); a master's degree (M.A.) in International and Area Studies (Intercultural Communication) from Brigham Young University; and a second master's (M.S.) in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication from James Madison University.
Prior work experience includes a stint at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C. in the late 1980s; administrative work at American University in its ESL department; Public Relations writing for Brigham Young University’s Kennedy Center for International Studies in early 1990s, and freelance writing for a newspaper and for a law firm while her children were growing up. She has also worked in the pharmaceutical industry as a technical writer.
Professor Dupal has four daughters who graduated from state universities in Virginia (UVA, VT, and JMU) and a son who graduated from VMI in May 2022. When she is not teaching, she enjoys traveling, writing, kayaking with her husband John, knitting and spending time with her four grandkids.
Some of her publications include:
*Conis, A.D. et al. Curriculum guide: The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. Online Publication: Orientation Office and General Education Program, 2003.
Whitfield, T.S. and A. D. Conis* “War Veterans’ Memoirs as Narrated to Students: An Intergenerational Service-Learning Project for Interpersonal Communication.” Communication Teacher London: Routledge, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2006, pp.23-27.
Baker, S. et al. “Balancing in the Middle: Challenges and Advice for Assistant Department Heads, Program Chairs, and Other Mid-level Faculty Leaders.” The Department Chair Vol. 23, No. 3, Winter 2013, pp. 15-18.
* Last name at the time of publication.
Instructor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Maj. Patrick J. Eichholz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
435 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Patrick J. Eichholz, Ph.D.

Patrick Eichholz graduated with a BA in English from the University of Dallas in 2006. He worked five years as a Firefighter/EMT-Paramedic in Corsicana, Texas, before enrolling in the doctorate program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He joined the faculty at VMI in 2018 after earning his Ph.D. in English and Comparative Literature from UNC. His areas of specialization are literary modernism, aesthetics, and literary theory. He is currently at work on a book manuscript entitled Emotive Modernisms: An Alternative History of 1922.
"Joyce, Nussbaum, and the Value of Disgust." Forthcoming in the Journal of Modern Literature.
“Dadaism and Classicism in The Waste Land.” Twentieth-Century Literature, Vol. 67, no. 3, 2021.
"Double-Edged Satire in Zamyatin's We." Extrapolation, Vol. 56, no. 3, 2015.
Classes Taught at VMI:
ERH-331 Aesthetics (Spring 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2022)
ERH-323 Philosophy and Literature. (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
ERH-230 Artistic Responses to Social and Political Issues: The Literature of the First World War. (Fall 2018)
ERH-206 American Literary Traditions (Spring 2020 and Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022)
ERH-205 British Literary Traditions (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, and Fall 2019)
ERH-203 Ways of Reading (Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022)
ERH-102 Writing and Rhetoric II (Spring 2019)
ERH-101 Writing and Rhetoric I (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
Independent Studies Offered at VMI:
ERH-461 Conrad (Spring 2021)
ERH-461 Nietzsche (Fall 2020)
ERH-461 Joyce's Finnegans Wake (Spring 2019)
ERH-361 Joyce’s Ulysses (Spring 2019)
ERH-361 Wittgenstein (Spring 2020)
Capstone and Honors Projects Directed at VMI:
2021 Carson Knox, “Conrad, Nietzsche, and the Immense Indifference of Things”
2020 Seamus Bartmess, “The Distinction between Murder and Killing in the Hebrew Bible.”
2019 Dolan Delaney, "Existential Pilgrimage in Hemingway's The Sun also Rises"
Jeremiah Forquer
Administrative Assistant
422 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Todd L. Goen
Director, Office of Global Education
Senior International Officer
102 Old Hospital
Lt. Col. Todd L. Goen
Todd Lee Goen is Director of International Programs and Senior International Officer at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) where he oversees education abroad, international student and scholar support services, grant/program management, and strategic planning and initiatives for campus internationalization.
Goen previously held full-time faculty positions at Christopher Newport University, Purdue University Fort Wayne, and Clemson University, teaching courses in human communication and quantitative research. His previous university administrative leadership includes: Faculty Director for Cultural Communication Competence in Benelux, Internship Director, Public Speaking Coordinator, Chair of International Studies Advisory Committee (the oversight committee for campus internationalization), and Vice-Chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Additionally, Goen is an active member of a number of professional organizations. He is currently the Chair- Designate of the NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Academy, following two years as the Region VIII Academy Coach. He is a member of NAFSA’s Trainer Corps, and an IDI Qualified Administrator. He routinely volunteers as a judge and parliamentarian for speech and debate tournaments, and with community organizations to improve their intercultural relations.
Goen’s research interests focus on interpersonal and family relationships and their intersections with nonverbal behavior and intercultural contexts. His scholarly accomplishments include over seventy-five presentations, and service as journal, conference, and grant reviewers. His published works appear in Communication Research Reports, Family Science Review, and the Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, and Perspective.
Goen is an Honors College Graduate with a BA in Computer Science, French, and Vocational Ministry from Harding University, holds an MA in Communication from the University of Arkansas, and completed all coursework toward a PhD in Communication from the University of Georgia. He is the 2020 recipient of SSCA’s John I Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2022 recipient of NAFSA’s Lily von Klemperer Award for supporting and strengthening professional development in education abroad.
Instructor: English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Eric D. Hilker
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
439 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Stephanie L. Hodde, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. - University of Illinois at Chicago
463 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Stephanie L. Hodde, Ph.D.

Maj. Stephanie Hodde joined the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies at VMI as an Assistant Professor in 2016. She previously taught at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, Mary Baldwin University, and Hollins University, where she offered undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, literacy, children’s literature, and the humanities. She holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, with a concentration in Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Culture, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, an M.A. in Humanities from the University of Chicago, and a B.A. in English and Drama from Hobart and William Smith Colleges. She also has over twenty years of experience developing curricula and outreach programming for non-profit organizations, K-12 schools, and directing community theater projects.
Maj. Hodde teaches courses in community-based writing and fieldwork (ERH 411), contemporary drama and literature (ERH 203 & 230), technical communication (ERH 314) and Writing and Rhetoric (101/102). She also advises students on Fieldwork opportunities for completing the English Major and enjoys designing projects in educational research and community writing with cadets. Recent cadet fieldwork includes the Rockbridge Memoir Project with local writers, and the Girls Leadership Exchange S.T.E.A.M. Camp.
Recent cadet fieldwork includes Project-based Teaching in local schools, the Rockbridge Memoir Project with local writers, and the Rockbridge Girls Leadership Exchange.
Her research and teaching explore intersections between creative discourse, pedagogy, and multimodal forms of social literacy, including community-based narratives, documentary theatre, and arts-based learning. She has presented scholarship at numerous conferences for the LifeWriting Conference, the American Education Research Association, the Modern Language Association, the Comparative Drama Conference, and is at work on several research projects in memoir and performance discourse. Her chapter, “Up Close and Wide Awake: Participating in Anna Deavere Smith’s Social Theater” appears in the book, Teaching Critical Performance Theory in Today's Studio, Classroom, and Communities (Routledge, 2020). Her forthcoming case study, “Dramagirls Worldcraft: Teaching Artist Platforms for Spectacle Theatre” will appear Winter 2023 in the International Journal of Education and the Arts (IJEA).
Assistant Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Lt. Col. Catharine Ingersoll, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Texas at Austin
436 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Catharine Ingersoll, Ph.D.
Lt. Col. Catharine Ingersoll began teaching at VMI in 2015. She received her Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin, and earned a B.A. in Art and a B.A. in Music from Washington College in Maryland. Prior to her work at VMI, she held an Albrecht Dürer Fellowship at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, Germany.
Lt. Col. Ingersoll’s research focuses on the art of northern Europe, especially Germany, during the late medieval and Early Modern periods, particularly in terms of the interdisciplinary intersections among patronage, politics, religion, and visual and material culture. Her most recent article, “Emblems and Hybridity in a Southern German Epitaph Sculpture,” appeared in Hybridity in Early Modern Art (Routledge, 2021). With Alisa McCusker and Jessica Weiss, she edited a volume of essays, Imagery and Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Chipps Smith (Brepols, 2018). She has also written book reviews for Renaissance Quarterly, Sixteenth Century Journal, Journal of Northern Renaissance Art, and Historians of Netherlandish Art Review of Books, and has presented her work at numerous conferences in North America and in Europe.
In addition to offering a regular rotation of art history and visual culture courses (such as The Language of Art and History of Art I and II), Lt. Col. Ingersoll is frequently sought out by cadets as an advisor to independent studies, Capstones, and Honors projects. She also spearheads the Art History and Visual Culture minor/concentration, maintains the @vmi_ahvc Instagram account, and is the faculty advisor to the Cadet Art Group.
Associate Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Lt. Col. Michelle B. Iten, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - Texas Christian University
426 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Michelle B. Iten, Ph.D.
An Associate Professor of English, LTC Michelle Iten teaches courses in civic discourse; the history and theory of rhetoric; language and style; rhetoric and democracy; writing for military officers; and writing for business. She earned her B.A. in English / Writing and M.A. in English / Rhetoric from St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, where she served as assistant director of the writing center and later as a full-time instructor teaching courses in research writing, creative nonfiction, business writing, and rhetorical theory. After career experience in corporate communications, public relations, and magazine publishing, she earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from Texas Christian University, where she held multiple research and teaching fellowships.
LTC Iten’s research areas are in rhetorical democracy and in the theory and teaching of written rhetorical argument. Ongoing research projects include the rhetorical nature of contemplative practices in democracy, democracy and the self, democratic time, and links between Kenneth Burke and John Dewey. Other research and teaching interests include propaganda theory and criticism, rhetorical approaches to political virtues, and emotional intelligence in everyday democratic interactions. An active member of the Rhetoric Society of Europe and the Rhetoric Society of America, she has published on social class in argument pedagogy, the rhetorical theorization of democracy, and contemplative practices as part of civic discourse pedagogy.
LTC is particularly committed to undergraduate education in rhetoric and advancing student writers’ abilities to develop democratic character, argue with rationality, and write with precision and power.
A Sample of LTC Iten’s Publications, Presentations, & Cadet Research Projects
- “The First Discipline is Class: Aiming at Inclusion in Argument across the Curriculum,” The Writing across the Curriculum Journal, 2017
- “Inventing in Our Own House: Theorizing Democracy from the Standpoint of Rhetoric,” Re-inventing Rhetoric Scholarship, Parlor Press, 2019
- “Contemplative Practices as Rhetorical Action for Democracy,” Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 2020
- “Thinking with ‘Energy’: How Keyword as Method Illuminates Rhetorical Democracy,” Carolina Rhetoric Conference 2019
- “Becoming Symbol-wise in Democratic Relations: The Whole Self as Rhetorical Action,” Rhetoric Society of Europe Conference 2019
- English Honors Advisor for “A Theory of Rhetorical Appeals to Psychological Certainty: Audience, Motive, Strategies” by Cadet Emma C. Quirk, 2018
- English Honors Advisor for “Fascism as Faith: Nationalist Spain and the Rhetoric of Francisco Franco,” by Cadet Andrew M. Hunt, 2019
Associate Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Maj. Curry Kennedy
Assistant Professor
Writing Center Coordinator
Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University
216 Carroll Hall
Maj. Curry Kennedy
Maj. Curry Kennedy joined VMI's English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies faculty as an Assistant Professor in 2021. He holds an M. A. and a doctorate in English from Penn State University, and a B. A. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Arkansas. He currently serves as VMI’s Writing Center Coordinator and as the Assistant Director of the VMI Center for Undergraduate Research.
Maj. Kennedy takes a broad, humanistic approach to studying and teaching rhetoric. His courses include ERH 101 and 102, Rhetoric and Composition; ERH 201 and 202, Rhetorical Traditions; ERH 205, British Literary Traditions; and ERH 301, Rhetoric and Public Address.
Maj. Kennedy’s research explores how rhetoric and religion have collided and combined across history, especially in the early modern period. His current book project, “Religion and Rhetorical Education in Early Modern England,” examines the interanimation of rhetoric and religion at several sites and levels of communicative training. Maj. Kennedy's written work has been published in College English, Studies in Philology, and Journal for the History of Rhetoric. He has also written for Villanova University's Augustine Blog.
Maj. Kennedy currently serves on the American Society for the History of Rhetoric’s committee for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access.
Assistant Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Dr. William D. ‘MacGregor’ Kimsey
Ph.D. - Southern Illinois University
461 Scott Shipp Hall
Dr. William D. ‘MacGregor’ Kimsey

Dr. William D. Kimsey, aka ‘MacGregor,’ completed his Ph.D. in Speech at Southern Illinois University. Professor Kimsey’s background and experience include:
- Taught courses in speech and political communication at the University of Virginia and James Madison University.
- Served as a visiting professor of modern business communication for Viet Nam National University Hanoi School of Business and lecturer of public speaking and communication leadership for Ho Chi Minh City Development Learning Center.
- Member of graduate faculties teaching courses in strategic communication, propaganda, and persuasion for the University of North Carolina Wilmington program in conflict resolution and management and James Madison University program in communication studies.
- Facilitated community disputes as a Commonwealth certified court mediator and published a variety of articles in national journals examining conflict, mediation, and negotiation.
- Co-authored a recent article in American Communication Journal. The effect of narcissism on conflict management message style preference: A look at millennials, 19(1):1-10, December 2017.
- Co-authored the book Mediator Communication Competencies: Transformative and Problem-Solving Approaches, Pearson.
- Designed and managed US/Ireland student in-country programs examining The Troubles.
- Coached military commanders in strategic speech and negotiation and briefed soldiers and marines pre-deployed for conflict zones on verbal and nonverbal communication.
- Member of the US Marine Corp Marathon Runners Club.
- Own and operate with his wife Candace a small alpaca/sheep fiber farm.
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Lt. Col. Steven E. Knepper, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
430 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Steven E. Knepper, Ph.D.

LTC Knepper arrived at VMI in the fall of 2014. Since then he has taught a wide range of courses, including American Literary Traditions, Ways of Reading, the ERHS capstone sequence, and a seminar on Moby-Dick. He especially enjoys teaching Philosophy and Literature, where he can discuss big questions with cadets, and American Modernism, which features favorite authors such as Claude McKay, Robert Frost, Willa Cather, Zora Neale Hurston, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. He has directed capstone projects, SURI projects, independent studies, and honors theses on a variety of topics, from the poetry of Langston Hughes to the philosophy of Simone Weil, from Edgar Allan Poe’s Gothic conventions to Byzantine iconography. LTC Knepper is the faculty adviser of VMI’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society, and he organizes an annual trip for cadets to the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Virginia.
LTC Knepper studied American literature in graduate school at the University of Virginia, and this remains a major teaching and research interest. He currently serves as an associate editor for the Robert Frost Review. He writes metrical poetry and has published poems in a number of journals. Since arriving at VMI, he has become increasingly interested in the intersection of philosophy, aesthetics, and religion. He is particularly interested in the early twentieth-century philosopher Gabriel Marcel and the contemporary philosophers William Desmond and Byung-Chul Han. In 2022, SUNY Press published his book Wonder Strikes: Approaching Aesthetics and Literature with William Desmond.
In his free time, LTC Knepper enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, hiking, reading, and writing. He can often be found in the book section of local thrift shops looking for gems.
Associate Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Col. Christina R. McDonald, Ph.D.
Institute Director of Writing
Ph.D. - Texas Christian University
434 Scott Shipp Hall
Col. Christina R. McDonald, Ph.D.
Col. Christina McDonald joined the VMI faculty as the first Institute Director of Writing in 2002. In addition to teaching courses in first-year and advanced composition, the history of rhetoric, and the rhetorics of particular discourse communities, she is responsible for ensuring the integrity of writing instruction in the disciplines across Post to ensure that VMI graduates are able to communicate effectively for a variety of occasions and purposes.
For nine years before coming to VMI, Col. McDonald taught undergraduate and graduate courses in both literature and writing at James Madison University, where she served as director of composition and founding head of the Writing Program, an independent academic unit in the College of Arts and Letters. An honors graduate of Rollins College, she earned her Ph.D. in English, with a specialization in rhetoric and composition studies, at Texas Christian University under the mentorship of Gary Tate, Winifred Bryan Horner, and Jim Corder.
Col. McDonald organizes VMI’s nationally recognized Spilman Symposium on Issues in Teaching Writing, and she has become a popular invited speaker on using writing to promote reflective learning, particularly in electronic environments. Her publications include two books, Teaching Writing: Landmarks and Horizons (Southern Illinois University Press, 2002) and Teaching Composition in the 1990s: Sites of Contention(Harper Collins, 1994).
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Cadet-initiated Research on rhetorical analysis and application:
- Cadet Michelle McCusker ’14 (English major), Institute Honors Thesis, “Why Aren’t We All Healthy? A Rhetorical Analysis of the Dominant Narrative of Health,” (in-progress).
- Cadet Kylen Schmidt ’15 (English major), Summer Undergraduate Research Project, “An Ethnographic Study of Cowboy Culture in the American West,” a rhetorical study of how the language, literature, art, and music of cowboys intersected and influenced one another and contributed to the identity of the American West and the iconic figure of the cowboy, Summer 2013.
- Cadet Michelle McCusker ’14 (English major), Summer Undergraduate Research Project: “Rhetoric, Community, Advocacy: Making the Case for a System of Sustainable Health Care in Rockbridge County,” the first research with a service-learning orientation to be funded by V-CUR, culminating in a published strategic plan for the Rockbridge Area Health Needs Assessment, Summer 2012.http://www.rockbridgeareahealthcenter.org/resources/Updates/Rockbridge%20Area%20CHNA_2012_Final.pdf
- Cadet Cabell Willis ’14 (History major with writing minor), Summer Undergraduate Research Project. Archival research and an ethnographic study, “Writing Under Cover: The Literacy Practices of VMI Cadets,” Summer 2012.
- Cadet Matthew Waalkes ’13 (Biology major with writing minor), Independent Study project, a written and visual documentary of VMI’s of Engineers Without Borders chapter’s inaugural trip to Bolivia, Fall 2011.
- Cadet Alex Houser ’10 (Biology major with writing minor), Independent Study project, The Rhetoric of Medicine, culminating in a research paper, “Alternative Medicine in America,” Spring 2010.
- Cadet Josh Kenny ’09 (Biology major with writing minor) and Cadet Alex Snyder (Chemistry major with writing minor), joint Independent Study project, Rhetoric and Scientific Discourse, Spring 2009.
- Cadet Dominik Wermus ’10 (Physics major with writing minor), Independent Study project. Contemporary Rhetoric and Physics, which led to a 10-page research paper, “Scientific Rhetoric in the Modern World,” Fall 2009.
- Cadet Will Flathers ’08 (Electrical Engineering major with writing minor), Independent Study in Reading Classical Rhetoricians: Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero, Spring 2008.
- Cadet Will Flathers ’08 (Electrical Engineering major with writing minor), Independent Study project, “Bombs Away! Portrait of a World War II Pilot.” A research-based nonfiction narrative account of George William Flathers’s wartime service as a B-17 pilot, from 1942 to 1944, Fall 2007. Cadet Flathers created a website for the project: http://www2.vmi.edu/cadetprojects/flathersgw/.
- Cadet John Terminato ’07 (History major with writing minor), Institute Honors Thesis, “‘Testing’ the Goals of Education: One Student at a Time—A Case Study of the No Child Left Behind Act’s Effects on the Future of Education in Pennsylvania.”
- Cadet Matthew Sharpe ‘04 (Computer Science major with writing minor, Class of 2004), Institute Honors Thesis, “The Role of Rhetorical Studies in Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction.”
Col. McDonald received the VMI Distinguished Teaching Award in 2006 and was elected as a faculty initiate to the VMI Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa in 2010. In 2011, the Superintendent presented her with the VMI Meritorious Service Medal.
Col. Robert L. McDonald, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Ph.D. - Texas Christian University
210 Smith Hall
Col. Robert L. McDonald, Ph.D.
Colonel Rob McDonald joined the VMI faculty in 1992. While serving as Associate Dean of the Faculty since 2001, he has continued to teach as a professor of English and fine arts. Recent offerings include Southern literature, creative writing (nonfiction), and a special seminar—developed in collaboration with cadets—titled Text + Image.
Colonel McDonald is a widely published scholar whose books include Reading Erskine Caldwell: New Essays; Teaching Writing: Landmarks and Horizons (ed. with Christina Russell McDonald); Southern Women Playwrights: New Essays in Literary History and Criticism (edited with Linda Rohrer Paige); Erskine Caldwell: Selected Letters, 1929-1955; The Critical Response to Erskine Caldwell; and Teaching Composition in the 90s: Sites of Contention (edited with Christina G. Russell). From 2005-2015, he served as editor of of the journal Studies in American Culture.
For more than a decade, Colonel McDonald has been exploring photography as a creative extension of his academic interests in the literature and culture of the South. His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and book publications.
Colonel McDonald’s photographs are in the collection of numerous private and public collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth. In 2013, he became the Institute’s first recipient of a fellowship from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. In 2019, he received a professional fellowship from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
VMI has recognized Colonel McDonald with several awards, including the Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award (1997), the Matthew Fontaine Maury Award for Excellence in Faculty Research (1998), the VMI Distinguished Teaching Award (2001), and the Wilbur S. Hinman, Jr. Award for Undergraduate Research (2009 and 2010).
In 2007, the Superintendent presented Colonel McDonald with the VMI Achievement Medal in recognition of his contributions to the Institute.
Col. Emily P. Miller, Ph.D.
Department Head
Holder of Navas-Read Chair in English Literature
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
432 Scott Shipp Hall
Col. Emily P. Miller, Ph.D.

Col. Emily Miller is the Navas-Read Professor of English Literature and Head of the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies. She taught at Wake Forest University and Washington and Lee University, where she directed the Writing Center, before joining the VMI faculty in 1988.
After earning both a B.A. and an M.A. at the College of William and Mary, Col. Miller attended the University of Virginia, where she completed her doctorate in English. During her thirty five years at Virginia Military Institute, she has taught Shakespeare as well as British Literature and freshman writing, among other subjects. One of her most popular courses has been an Institute Honors Seminar titled “Power and Politics in Shakespeare.” She has regularly arranged for cadets from her Shakespeare courses to present their papers at professional conferences. Her own research has focused on Shakespeare, assessment, and curricular development.
The first woman appointed to be a department head at VMI, Col. Miller has served in this capacity since 1992. During the last decade, her department implemented a new interdisciplinary English major. While national trends have shown sharp declines in the number of English majors, VMI’s English major is thriving. Col. Miller, along with colleagues, has made numerous presentations at national conferences on the curricular design and ongoing development of this program.
In addition to being a member of VMI’s Academic Board, she has served on many Institute committees, e.g., the Academic Planning and Review Committee, the Professorships and Chairs Selection Committee, the Academic Policy Committee, SACS Self-Study Committees, the Institute Honors Committee, the Core Curriculum Oversight Committee, Dean and Superintendent Search Committees, and the Institute Planning Committee.
Col. Miller’s contributions to the Institute have been recognized with the 2007 Virginia Military Institute Achievement Medal, the 2018 Jackson-Hope Prize for Excellence in Academic Advancement, and the 2021 Virginia Military Institute Meritorious Service Award.
Delaney, John. “A Comic Community in Conflict: The Struggle Between Comedy and Seriousness in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.” 2022 Honors Thesis.
Butler, Colin, “Shakespeare’s Henry V: Honor Is What You Put In; Honor Is What You Put Out.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2021.
Diller, Zachary, “Hamlet and Early Modern Attitudes towards Suicide.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2021.
Hamner, Daniel, Henry V and the Education of Women. Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2021.
Rezendes, Rhett, “Ophelia’s Death and Early Modern Attitudes towards Suicide.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2021.
Wegrzyn, Thaddeus,“Henry IV and Royal Rebellions in Early Modern England.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2021.
Delaney, John, “Portia’s Challenge to Early Modern Views of Women in The Merchant of Venice.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2020.
Hoffman, Michael, “Henry V as the Ideal Military Leader in Early Modern Culture.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2020.
McKee, Brendan, “Shylock and Early Modern Views of Jews.” Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Virtual, November 2020.
Gummo, Joseph, “Strong Women in Shakespeare’s Plays: Challenging and Reflecting Early Modern Views.” Conference of the American/Popular Association in the South, Wilmington, NC, September 2019.
Hughes, Joseph, “Suicide in Hamlet.” Conference of the American/Popular Association in the South, Wilmington, NC, September 2019.
Smilie, Bryant, “Et Tu, Queen Elizabeth?: Fears of Tyranny in 1599 England.” Conference of the American/Popular Association in the South, Wilmington, NC, September 2019.
Wainwright, Nicholas, “Natural Power: How Women Exercised Power against Institutionalized Constraints in Early Modern Theater.” Conference of the American/Popular Association in the South, Wilmington, NC, September 2019.
Wilkinson, Reid, “Melancholy: the True Killer in Hamlet.” Conference of the American/Popular Association in the South, Wilmington, NC, September 2019.
Johnson, Carter, “Wrestling with God: Hamlet and the Divine.” Conference of the American/Popular Culture Association in the South. New Orleans, October 2018.
Worsham, Rives, “Shifting Attitudes of Honor and the Victory of Nationalism in Henry IV, Part One.” Conference of the American/Popular Culture Association in the South. New Orleans, October 2018.
Laura D. Parsons
M.A. — University of Virginia
423 Scott Shipp Hall
Dr. Duncan J. Richter
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
468 Scott Shipp Hall
Dr. Duncan J. Richter
Dr. Duncan Richter is the Charles S. Luck III ’55 Institute Professor. He teaches courses on ethics, religion, and aesthetics. He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Virginia in 1995, his M. Phil. in Philosophy from the University College of Swansea in Wales in 1989, and his B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Oxford University in 1988. His research focuses on ethics and the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. He is the author of six books and numerous papers.
His teaching has won him two awards at VMI, and in 2008 he won an Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.
Douglas N. Smith
M.A. - Regent University
464 Scott Shipp Hall
Douglas N. Smith
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Mattie Q. Smith
M.A. - Hollins University
466 Scott Shipp Hall
Mattie Q. Smith

Mattie Quesenberry Smith joined the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies in 2013. She teaches Writing and Rhetoric I & II.
Currently a candidate for the Ph.D. in Education, Curriculum, and Instruction with a concentration in Integrative STEM Education (I-STEM Ed.) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Smith explores best practices for integrating STEM and the humanistic studies, such as American literature, creative writing, and rhetoric to support hands-on design thinking in the design-based technology and engineering classroom. Her current research involves impacts for critical reflective writing on design-based learning.
Smith is also a creative writer. Her poems have recently appeared in Poetry X Hunger, The Timberline Review, Phi Kappa Phi Forum Magazine, and several of her poems have been anthologized in publications, such as Tupelo Press’s 30/30 Anthology.
As a screenwriter, Smith shares several awards with husband and VMI peer, Douglas N. Smith. Their documentary film, Between Two Fires garnered a CINE Eagle and Best Documentary of the Show in the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences also awarded Between Two Fires a Bronze Oscar for excellence in graduate student filmmaking. This film is currently distributed by International Historic Films. Additionally, their screenplay “Once to Every Man” was an honorable mention in Virginia Governor’s Screenplay Competition.
Smith’s creative writing often explores the influence of science and technology on the poetic imagination, especially figurative language. Intrigued by dynamical systems and emergent complexity, she and her husband have been writing about unforeseen, chaotic impacts natural events have unleashed throughout the history of mankind. Their recent collaboration has engendered a completed screenplay for a major film project, “Eagle in the Snow,” adapted from the novel Eagle in the Snow, written by Wallace Breem. This story is set on the Rhine River, New Year’s Eve, 406 A.D., when the river froze, and five barbarian tribes crossed, catalyzing the fall of Rome. Most recently, this project was accepted for distribution in four twenty-two page volumes on comiXology.com, and she is hopeful for future, multi-platform success.
An avid hiker, Smith enjoys hiking with her ten children and a gathering host of significant others!
Lt. Col. Pennie J. Ticen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
467 Scott Shipp Hall
Lt. Col. Pennie J. Ticen, Ph.D.

Col. Pennie Ticen has been a member of the English faculty at VMI since the fall of 2003. She earned her graduate degrees from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she focused on modern and contemporary British Literature, writing her dissertation on post-colonial epics. One of her focus areas is in South-Asian Indian literature, especially the novels of Salman Rushdie, various retellings of the Indian epic The Ramayana, and the essays of Arundhati Roy. She has been an active member of the South Asian Literary Association for 25 years, where she has presented papers, co-chaired conferences, served as treasurer and been a member of the executive committee.
Col. Ticen regularly teaches courses in Writing and Rhetoric, British Literary Traditions, Literature of Indian Independence, and Empire Writing, as well as seminars on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Salman Rushdie. She also teaches Fieldwork courses, with recent sections focusing on Cadet Life at VMI and Women and African-Americans at VMI. She enjoys working closely with cadets and has shepherded them through SURI projects, conference presentations, department honors theses, capstone projects, and independent studies on a variety of topics.
Associate Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies
Sample of Lt. Col. Ticen’s Recent Scholarship:
- Forthcoming 2023, Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English, entries on “Salman Rushdie,” “Imaginary Homelands,” and “The Veiled Suite: The Collected Poems, Agha Shahid Ali”
- “’where hierarchies melt and curiosity takes precedence’: Using Yengde’s Caste Matters to Complicate Student Ideas of Caste,” South Asian Literary Association Conference, 2022
- “Rushdie’s America,” Interviewed on “With Good Reason,” for “Reading and Writing Ourselves,” September 2021: https://www.withgoodreasonradio.org/episode/reading-and-writing-ourselves/
- “Trained in Post-Coloniality, Hired in World Literature, Revised into Cultural Rhetorics: Situating South Asian Literature within a Changing Curriculum,” South Asian Literary Association, 2020
- “Updating the Interregnum: Salman Rushdie’s “Anti-chutnification” in The Golden House”, South Asian Literary Association, 2019
Sample of Cadet Research Projects:
- SURI Advisor for “We Take What We Want: Kipling in the Postcolonial Age,” Cadet Chris Hulburt, 2020
- Conference Presentation Advisor for “Cast Between Two Worlds,” Cadet Chris Hulburt, MARCUS 2020
- English Honors Advisor for “Modern Eve: A Female Cadet’s Critique of Feminist Criticisms of Paradise Lost,” Cadet Kate Dixon, 2018
- Capstone Advisor for “Frankenstein in Film,” Cadet Mason Day, 2020
- Capstone Advisor for “Allegory in The Lord of the Rings,” Cadet John Stann, 2020
- Independent Study: “Robert T. Kerlin Resources,” digitized on Preston Archives, Cadet Fredrick Walker, 2014: https://www.vmi.edu/archives/genealogy-biography-alumni/featured-historical-biographies/robert-t-kerlin-resources/
George Walter
Ph.D. - The Catholic University of America
427 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Henry A. Wise, III
Assistant Professor
M.F.A. - University of Mississippi
437 Scott Shipp Hall
Maj. Henry A. Wise, III
A 2005 graduate of the Institute, Maj. Henry Wise taught for several years in Taiwan, where he worked for the ROC Military Academy in Fengshan, selecting, instructing, and training cadets who would go on to study in American military institutions, including VMI. In 2015, he earned his MFA in poetry from the University of Mississippi, where he continued to teach creative writing and composition until he joined VMI’s English faculty in 2017. At VMI, he teaches American literature and creative writing and serves as faculty adviser to Cadence (formerly The Sounding Brass), VMI’s annual fine arts journal, which he edited as a cadet. He has taught a variety of courses, among which are those of his own design on the subjects of Frontier American Literature and the works of Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner. Maj. Wise has advised several independent cadet projects on topics as varied as environmental anxiety in Cormac McCarthy’s novels, Mark Twain’s challenging of romanticism in Roughing It, and reconciling Ralph Waldo Emerson’s surprising involvement in the Abolitionist movement with his skepticism of society in “Self-Reliance.” A writer across multiple genres, his poetry has been published in Shenandoah, Radar Poetry, Clackamas, Eunoia Review, and elsewhere; his nonfiction can be found in Southern Cultures. His debut novel, Holy City, will be published by Grove Atlantic in 2024.
Assistant Professor
English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies