Faculty and Staff
Maj. Kevin L. Braun
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. - University of Arizona
405G Maury-Brooke Hall
Maj. Kevin L. Braun
Assistant Professor
MAJ Kaitlyn "Kaitie" Cartwright
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. – University of Kansas
405F Maury-Brooke Hall
MAJ Kaitlyn "Kaitie" Cartwright
Areas of Specialization: Synthesis, Organometallic, Inorganic, Organic, Catalysis
Biography: Dr. Cartwright began her discovery process in chemistry at Sweet Briar College, where she conducted research on the development of natural product inspired pro-drugs. After graduating in 2014, she worked as an analytical and process chemist at ChemTreat and Syngenta. Dr. Cartwright later went on to graduate school at the University of Kansas and joined the research group of Jon Tunge. Her graduate research primarily focused on the development of new catalytic methods that employ photoredox-promoted decarboxylation. After earning her PhD in May 2020, Dr. Cartwright joined the faculty at VMI. Apart from spending time helping Cadets find success in chemistry and devising new synthetic methodologies, Dr. Cartwright enjoys exploring the outdoors and spending time with her animals.
Academic Interests: Research efforts in the Cartwright group are focused on the discovery, development, and understanding of new synthetic methodologies that allow for the facile construction of useful chemical building blocks as well as broaden the synthetic toolbox for complex molecular synthesis. New approaches being investigated seek to be operationally simplistic, economical, and adhere to the principles of green chemistry. Additionally, Dr. Cartwright is invested in developing the next generation of scientist and sees a high value in teaching within the research lab as well as incorporating hypothesis-driven learning into her courses.
Publications before VMI:
Cartwright, K. C.; Tunge, J. A. Decarboxylative Allylation and Benzylation of Carboxylic Acids via Photoredox/Palladium Dual Catalysis. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 8167-8175.
Cartwright, K. C.; Joeseph, E.; Comadoll, C. G.; Tunge, J. A. Development and Mechanistic Investigations of Decarboxylative Elimination of Carboxylic Acids via Photoredox/Cobalt Dual Catalysis. Chem. Euro. J. 2020, 26, 12454-12471.
Cartwright, K. C.; Davies, A.; Tunge, J. A. Cobaloxime-Catalyzed Hydrogen Evolution in Photoredox-Facilitated Small Molecule Functionalization. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 1245-1258.
Senaweera, S.; Cartwright, K. C.; Tunge, J. A. Copper-mediated Decarboxylative Acetoxylation of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 12553-12561.
Cartwright, K. C.; Lang, S. B.; Tunge, J. A. Photo-induced Kochi Decarboxylative Elimination for the Synthesis of E/Z–Enamides and Enecarbamates, J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 2933-2940.
Cartwright, K. C.; Tunge, J. A. Decarboxylative Elimination of N-Acyl Amino Acids via Photoredox/Cobalt Dual Catalysis, ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 11801-11806.
Lang, S. B.; Cartwright, K. C.; Welter, R. S.; Locascio, T. M. Tunge, J. A. Photocatalytic Aminodecarboxylation of Carboxylic Acids. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 20, 331-334.
Anita F. Cruze
Executive Secretary
401 Maury-Brooke Hall
LTC Daniel P. Harrison, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
Specialty: Physical Chemistry
405E Maury-Brooke Hall
LTC Daniel P. Harrison, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Specialty: Physical Chemistry &Synthesis of Inorganic Complexes for Applications in Electrocatalysis and Renewable Energy
Daniel Harrison is a 2005 VMI chemistry graduate. He was awarded his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia where he studied the ability of inorganic compounds to modify the standard organic chemistry of aromatic molecules. Many of the novel compounds he synthesized are at the National Institutes of Health: Molecular Library for Small Molecule Repository to evaluate their biological activity. Daniel continued his research career as a Post-Doctoral research associate with Thomas J. Meyer at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Energy Frontier Research Center: “Solar Fuels.” There he studied the catalytic conversion of H2O and CO2 into usable fuels for applications in renewable energy technology. Daniel returned to VMI in January 2013 and is currently teaching Physical Chemistry. At VMI, his research efforts focus on utilizing electrochemical methods to analyze inorganic molecules that his students synthesize, in order to determine their ability to produce usable combustible fuels from electricity. His research is a part of a larger global effort to produce renewable fuels and help develop a carbon neutral economy. Daniel originally became interested in science because of his fascination with colors, fireworks, and a desire to understand and explain our physical surroundings with concrete descriptions.
Recent Publications:
- Jacob T. Hyde, Kenneth Hanson, Aaron K. Vannucci, Alexander M. Lapides, Leila Alibabaei, Michael R. Norris, Thomas J. Meyer, and Daniel P. Harrison. “Electrochemical Instability of Phosphonate-Derivatized, RuIII Polypyridyl Complexes on Metal Oxide Surfaces.” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2015, 7 (18), 9554-9562.
- Daniel P. Harrison, Logan S. Carpenter, Jake T. Hyde. “Reductive Electropolymerization of a Vinyl containing Poly-pyridyl Complex on Glassy Carbon and Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Electrodes.” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2015, (95), e52035, doi:10.3791/52035 (2015).
The Journal of Visualized Experiments article can be accessed via the following web address: http://www.jove.com/video/52035/reductive-electropolymerization-vinyl-containing-poly-pyridyl-complex
- Christopher R. Turlington, Daniel P. Harrison, Peter S. White, Maurice Brookhart, and Joseph L. Templeton. “Probing the Oxidation Chemistry of Half-Sandwich Iridium Complexes with Oxygen Atom Transfer Reagents.” Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, Article ASAP.
- Daniel A. Torelli, Daniel P. Harrison, Alexander M. Lapides, and Thomas J. Meyer. “Strategies for Stabilization of Electrodeposited Metal Particles in Electropolymerized Films for H2O Oxidation and H+Reduction.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 7050-7057.
- Christopher R. Turlington, Daniel P. Harrison, Peter S. White, Maurice Brookhart, and Joseph L. Templeton. “Probing the Oxidation Chemistry of Half-Sandwich Iridium Complexes with Oxygen Atom Transfer Reagents.” Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 11351-11360. DOI: 10.1021/ic4016405.
- Electropolymerization of a Vinyl-containing Poly-pyridyl Complex on Glassy Carbon and Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide Electrodes http://www.jove.com/video/52035/reductive-electropolymerization-vinyl-containing-poly-pyridyl-complex%22%3eReductive
Eileen T. Hinks, Ph.D.
Ph.D. - Temple University
Specialty: Biochemistry
405B Maury-Brooke Hall
Eileen T. Hinks, Ph.D.

Biology and Chemistry
Col. Tappey H. Jones '70, Ph.D.
Ph.D. - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Specialty: Organic Chemistry
405D Maury-Brooke Hall
Col. Tappey H. Jones '70, Ph.D.

Specialty: Organic Chemistry & Natural Products Chemistry and Chemical Ecology
Dr. Jones is an organic chemist with research interests in natural products chemistry and chemical ecology. The major focus of this work is the structure and stereochemistry of ant venom alkaloids and other formicid exocrine secretions. Prior to coming to VMI, Dr. Jones taught at Old Dominion University, Furman University, the U.S. Naval Academy, and the College of William and Mary. He served as a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Georgia, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. He spent six years at the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD) as a Staff Fellow. Tappey Jones is an accomplished researcher, with over 130 publications to his name, and over $800,000 in grants awarded. He enjoys jazz music, and the halls of the science building are often treated to the mellow sound of his saxophone in the wee hours of the morning.
Recent Publications:
- R.M.M. Adams, J. Liberti, A.A. Illum, T.H. Jones, D.R. Nash, J.J. Boomsma, Chemically armed mercenary ants protect fungus-farming societies. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.(2013).
- T.H. Jones, R.M.M. Adams, T.F.Spande, H.M. Garaffo, T. Kaneko, T.R. Schultz. Histrionicotaoxin alkaloids finally detected in an ant. J. Nat. Prod. 75: 1930-1936 (2012).
- A.C. Jones, D.E. Mullins, T.H. Jones, S.M. Salom. Potential feeding deterrents found in hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae. Naturwissenschaften. 99: 583-586 (2012).
- M.F. Cooperband, K. Boroczky, A. Hartness, T.H. Jones, K.E. Zylestra, J. H. Tumlinson, V. C. Mastro. Male Produced Pheromone in the European Woodwasp, Sirex noctilio(Hymenoptera: Siricidae). J. Chem. Ecol. 38: 52-62 (2012).
- R.M.M. Adams, T.H. Jones, A.W. Jeter, H.H. de Fine Licht, T.R. Schultz, D.R. Nash. A Comparative Study of Exocrine Gland Chemistry in Trachymyrmex and Sericomyrmex Fungus-growing Ants. Biochem. Syst. and Ecol. 40: 91-97 (2012).
- W.A. Shear, T.H. Jones, T. Wesener: Glomerin and homoglomerin from the North American pill millipede Onomeris sinuate (Loomis, 1943). Int. J. Myriapod. 4: 1-10 2011).
- W.A. Shear, I.S. McPherson, T.H. Jones, S. F. Loria, K.S. Ziegler: Chemical defense of a troglobiont millipede, Tetracion jonesi Hoffman (Diplopoda, Callipodida,Abacionidae). Int. J. Myriapod. 3: 153-158 (2010).
- T.H. Jones: Methods and compositions for pest control. U. S. Patent Application 61/409,711, Nov. 3, (2010).
- R.M. M. Adams, T.H. Jones, A.W. Jeter: Male specific tyramides from three additional myrmicine genera. Biochem. Syst. Ecol., 38:454-456 (2010).
- W.A. Shear, A. J. Snyder, T.H. Jones, H.M. Garraffo, N.R. Andriamaharavo: The chemical defense of the Texas cave harvestman Chinquipellobunus madlae. J. Arach. 38: 126-127 (2010).
- T.H. Jones, H. M. Garraffo, T.F. Spande, N.R. Andriamaharavo, J.S.T. Gorman, A. J. Snyder, A.W. Jeter, J. A. Torres, R.R. Snelling, J.W. Daly: Caste-Specific Tyramides from Myrmicine Ants. J. Nat. Prod.73: 313-316 (2010).
- K. Boroczky, D.J. Crook, T.H. Jones, J.C. Kenny, K.E. Zylstra, V.C. Mastro, J.H. Tumlinson: Monoalkenes as contact sex pheromone components of the woodwasp, Sirex noctilio. J. Chem. Ecol., 35: 1202-1211 (2009).
- D.W. Davidson, N.F. Anderson, S.C. Cook, C.R. Bernau, T.H. Jones, A.S. Kamariah, L.B. Lim, C. N. Chan, D.A. Clark: An Experimental Study of Microbial Nest Associates of Borneo’s Exploding Ants (Camponotus Colobopsis species). J. Hym. Res., 18: 341-360 (2009).
- A.J. Snyder, T.H. Jones, G.C. Snelling, R.R. Snelling: Venom alkaloids from some Monomorium species J. Hym. Res., 18: 145-150 (2009).
- W. A. Shear, T.H. Jones, A.J. Snyder: Chemical defense of phalangodid harvestmen: Bishopella laciniosa (Banks) and Texella bifucata (Briggs) produce 2-methyl-5-ethylphenol (Opiliones: Grassatores: Phalangodidae). Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc.15: 27-28 (2010).
- T.H. Jones, A.N. Andersen, J.C. Kenny: Venom alkaloid chemistry of Australian species of the Monomorium rothsteini complex, with particular reference to taxonomic Implications. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 6: 1034-1041 (2009).
- T.H. Jones, W.A. Shear, and G. Giribet: The chemical defenses of a styocellid (Arachnida, Opiliones,Styocellidae) from Sulawesi with comparisons to other Cyphophthalmi. J. Arachnol. 37: 147-150 (2009).
- D. Zhou, N. Toyooka,* H. Nemoto, K. Yamaguchi, H. Tsuneki, T. Wada, T. Sasaoka, H. Sakai, Y. Tezuka, S. Kadota, T. H. Jones, H. M. Garraffo, T. F. Spande, and J. W. Daly: Synthesis, Determination of the Absolute Stereochemistry, and Evaluations at the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors of a Hydroxyindolizidine Alkaloid from the Ant Myrmicaria melanogaster . Heterocycles. 79: 565-571 (2009).
- J.P. Lelito, K. Boroczky, T.H. Jones, I. Fraser, V.C. Mastro, J. H. Tumlinson, T.C. Baker: Behavioral evidence for a contact sex pheromone component of the Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire. J. Chem. Ecol. 35:104-110 (2009).
Lt. Col. Daniel F. McCain, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Specialty: Biochemistry
401F Maury-Brooke Hall
Lt. Col. Daniel F. McCain, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Specialty: Biochemistry & Enzymology
Dr. McCain is a biochemist with research interests in the study of enzymes. His research involves studying the detailed mechanisms of enzymes using techniques such as enzyme kinetic assays, UV-Vis spectrometry, bacterial transformation, protein expression and purification, chromatography, and site-directed mutagenesis. Prior to coming to VMI, Dr. McCain did his thesis research in the laboratory of Zhong-Yin Zhang at Albert Einstein College of Medicine where he studied the mechanisms of protein phosphatases.
Maj. Shannon P. Quevedo
Assistant Professor
PhD - University of Michigan
405C Maury-Brooke Hall
Maj. Shannon P. Quevedo
Assistant Professor
Specialty: Analytical Chemistry and Detection of Small Molecules Using Organic Phases
Dr Quevedo is an analytical chemist interested in the detection of small molecules. Small molecules, including pollutants, toxins and opioids, are extremely challenging to detect, both because of their relatively small size and their similarity to one another, making specificity challenging. Dr. Quevedo is using hydrogels, cross-linked polymers which swell in water solutions, as a way of enhancing the signal and specificity of small molecule detection. Her work focuses not only on synthesizing and testing hydrogel detection mechanisms, but also understanding why hydrogels behave differently depending on their environment as well as alternative detection methods to enhance signals from the hydrogel. Dr. Quevedo is also committed to further integrating current technology into the chemistry curriculum, with a focus on biotechnological applications.
Prior to coming to VMI, Dr. Quevedo completed her bachelors at Harvey Mudd College, with a focus on small molecule synthesis, and her PhD under Professor Ryan Bailey at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, focusing on developing microfluidic organic phases for improved small molecule detection.
Dale R. Raymond, Ph.D.
Ph.D. - Univ. of Maine, Orono
401D Maury-Brooke Hall
Dale R. Raymond, Ph.D.

Col. Steven Riethmiller
Instructor and Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. – University of South Carolina
405F Maury-Brooke Hall
Vada L. Sanderson
Lab Technician
315 Maury-Brooke Hall
Col. Stanton Q. Smith, Ph.D.
Department Head
Ph.D. - University of Virginia
Specialty: Organic Chemistry
401E Maury-Brooke Hall
Col. Stanton Q. Smith, Ph.D.

Department Head
Specialty: Organic Chemistry & Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry
Dr. Smith is an organic chemist with research interests in natural products chemistry and synthetic methodology. One aspect of this work is the synthesis of novel nitrogen-containing natural products; particularly indole alkaloids from sea sponges and pyrazole alkaloids from traditional folklore plants. Another aspect of research is the use of vinamidinium salts as synthetic intermediates to construct nitrogen-containing heterocycles. Prior to coming to VMI, Dr. Smith was a postdoctoral chemist at Research Triangle Institute in North Carolina working on a project to chemically inactivate nerve agents.
Recent Publications:
- Stanton Q. Smith, Sean T. Dudek, Shu-Hui He, Jarod A. Girod, and Shane R. Nunes “The Application of Vinamidinium Salts to the Synthesis of 1,2,4-Trisubstituted Pyrroles” Tetrahedron Letters 2013, 54, 3965-3966.
- John T. Gupton III, Nakul Telang, Dominic F. Gazzo, Peter J. Barelli, Kristin E. Lescalleet, Jonathon W. Fagan, Brandon J. Mills, Kara L. Finzel; Rene P. Kanters, Kyle R. Crocker, † Sean T. Dudek, † Corinne M. Lariviere,† Stanton Q. Smith, Kartik M. Keertikar, Christopher Warme, Wendy Zhong; “Preparation of indole containing building blocks for the regiospecific construction of indole appended pyrazoles and pyrroles” Tetrahedron 2013, 69, 5829-5840.
- John T. Gupton, Nakul Telang, Xin Jia, Benjamin C. Giglio, James E. Eaton, Peter J. Barelli, Mona Hovaizi, Kayleigh E. Hall, R. Scott Welden, Matthew J. Keough, Eric F. Worrall, Kara L. Finzel, Emily J. Kluball, Rene P.F. Kanters, Timothy M. Smith, Stanton Q. Smith, Shane R. Nunes†, Mathew T. Wright†, and Jennifer M. Birnstihl “Further studies on vinamidinium salt amine exchange reactions, borohydride reductions, and subsequent transformations.” Tetrahedron, 2010, 66, 8485-8493.
- Mathew T. Wright, David G. Carroll, Timothy M. Smith, and Stanton Q. Smith “Synthesis of alkylpyrroles by use of a vinamidinium salt.” Tetrahedron Letters 2010, 51, 4150-4152.
Tamara D. Stoops
Lab Technician
417 Maury-Brooke Hall