VMI Leader Journey Podcast

Outgoing First-Class President Sam Trepp talks about taking his own advice, how he and his classmates are making the most of an off-post senior year and how they are keeping each other unified as a class.

Rising First Class Cadet Paul Boucher says his advice to incoming rats is that despite trying to imagine what VMI will be like, it's best to just stay in shape and be adaptive. It will be tough mentally, physically, and academically.

Carrie Papke says despite not having the 'picturesque' cadetship of rank throughout her cadetship or 'ac' stars, she embraced the challenges and leadership opportunities that came her way and worked toward success over time.

In this episode of the podcast, we sat down with Carl Skerry Class of '20 to talk about his leadership journey and his experiences at VMI. Skerry explains why VMI presented the kind of challenge he was looking for. Skerry is the F-Company Commander and plans on commissioning into the Marines.
In 2019, VMI Leader-in-Residence Gen. Dennis Via came for several short visits to post. Via's 36-year career holds a wealth of insights and we captured those during a video interview as a future resource and to share them with our audience.

Staff members at the VMI Center for Leadership and Ethics, sat down with Cadets Brittany Szczepanic '20 and Will Neikirk '20 after our 2019 Annual VMI Leadership and Ethics Conference to talk about their involvement in the Center programs and leadership opportunities at VMI.

In this episode, with former NFL offensive lineman, PhD mathematics candidate at MIT, and author John Urschel who came to post spring 2020 as part of our Courageous Leader speaker series. We spoke about his football and math careers and how he developed and applied his leadership style.

The Importance of Culture and the Academy Advantage

Court Whitman '99 discussed his leadership journey with Emily and Derek on a break during the 10th Annual VMI Leadership Conference this past October where he was a guest speaker. Court is energetic and dynamic on stage and focuses his latest efforts on high-performance in individuals and teams.

In this episode, 2019 Center summer interns Townsend and Forehand touch on the following leadership competencies from the VMI Leader Journey: motivation, personal values, mentoring, teamwork, inclusion, helping others.