Faculty and Alumni Papers
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Collection Spotlight: Sydney Williamson Papers
Panama Canal Construction History
Williamson graduated from the Institute in 1884 and shortly thereafter began a distinguished career in Civil Engineering. Most notably, he served as Division Engineer of the Pacific Division of Panama Canal from 1907-1914.
Anderson, Jr., Joseph Reid. Papers. (MS 0043)
Class of 1870; lifelong association with VMI as faculty member, Alumni Association President, and official "historiographer"; bulk consist of drafts and related correspondence and notes for a largely unpublished VMI history. One part was eventually published as "VMI in the World War."
Anderson. Stewart W., Papers. (MS 0127)
VMI Class of 1908, faculty member (1911-1957) and Dean of the Faculty 1941-1955. Misc. papers incl. commissions & certificates awarded during his long career.
Anjier, Jr., Louis J., Collection. (MS 0438)
Miscellaneous papers, 1961-1981, primarily citations and certificates from his United States Army career. Anjier graduated from VMI in 1961.
Bailey, Roy C. Collection. (MS 0365)
VMI Class of 1961; U.S. Air Force Officer, ca. 15 items, primarily commendations and certificates.
Barton, George L., Papers (MS 0352)
VMI Faculty, 1917-1935. Includes diaries for the period 1909-1936; lecture notes; photos.
Boykin, Maury W., Papers (MS 0449)
VMI Class of 1917; engineer known for his visionary construction plan for the Hampton Roads Tunnel (Virginia). Bulk are personal papers, clippings, and other items relating to his 1923 tunnel plan.
Brand, Cabell. Papers (MS 0462)
Class of 1944; philanthropist and entrepreneur interested in civil rights and poverty issues. Correspondence, clippings, and other items relating to Brand's interest in Jonathan Daniels. Also file on the Cabell-Breckinridge Brass Band at VMI; certificates.
Bransford, John F., papers (MS 0278)
VMI Class of 1867 and New Market cadet; physician. Misc. papers from the medical career of John F. Bransford, including correspondence, diplomas, Central America research.
Brooke, George M., collection. (MS 0225)
Class of 1936 and VMI Faculty member (Department of History), 1942-1980. Proofs for the book, John M. Brooke, Naval Scientist and Educator, by George M. Brook, Jr.
Brother Rat Collection. (MS 0005)
Photographs, playbills, clippings and other items documenting the stage and film versions of Brother Rat by Fred F. Finklehoffe and John Monks, Jr.
Burger, Ammen L., Papers (MS 0485)
Personal correspondence and miscellaneous records (1917-1960).
Burgess, Chester F., Collection (MS 0339)
Professor of English at the Virginia Military Institute from 1962-1988. The collection consists of edited manuscripts of three publications.
Carson, Charles H., Collection. (MS 0047).
Class of 1915. Collection (ca. 20 cf) of historic newspapers (individual issues), misc. manuscripts, & ephemera, compiled and indexed by Carson.
Chase, Gilbert P. Papers. (MS 0088)
Class of 1894. Navy commission documents, certificates, diplomas.
Clark, Harold P. collection (MS 0343)
Miscellaneous papers (9 items) dating from the World War II army service of Harold P. Clark, VMI Class of 1941.
Clinedinst, Benjamin West. Papers (MS 0242)
VMI Class of 1880; artist. Correspondence, 1905-1931, between artist Benjamin West Clinedinst and various members of the Virginia Military Institute administration and Alumni Association. Much of it concerns Clinedinst's New Market Battle painting.
Colston, Raleigh E., Papers (MS 0386)
Class of 1846. Brigadier General, CSA. Includes letter of recommendation, 1866, by General Robert E. Lee; "Report on the Northern and Central Kordofan," (Cairo: 1878); attached to this book are photographs of Colston wearing Egyptian Army uniform, ca. 1878
Couper, John L., papers (MS 0486).
Although primarily documenting his World War II service, the papers also include material relating to various Class of 1937 reunions.
Couper, William. Papers. (MS 0053)
Class of 1904, Business Executive VMI, 1925-1954; VMI Historiographer, 1934-1954. Papers (ca. 13 cubic feet) consist largely of manuscripts and notes relating to Couper's numerous research projects and VMI history.
Crozet, Claudius. Papers. (MS 0059). Online Access (Jefferson letters and selected other documents)
Educated Ecole Polytechnique in Paris; came to U.S. in 1816; engineer; President, 1st VMI Board of Visitors. Ca. 30 items, bulk documenting Crozet's life prior to his move to the United States in 1816; also two letters from Thomas Jefferson to Crozet, both dated 1821
Davidson, Lloyd J. Papers (MS 0268)
Faculty member (1955-1976) and Dean of the Faculty (1955-1965). Personal correspondence; materials used in English classes VMI; speeches.
deButts, John D., Collection (MS 0297)
VMI Class of 1936; Chairman of the Board, AT&T; d. 1986. Primarily certificates, honorary degrees, and miscellaneous awards given to Mr. deButts during his business career, most dating date from the 1960's-1985; 19 volumes of deButts' speeches, 1972-1978.
Deyerle, Charles P. , Papers. (MS 0191)
Class of 1842. Physician; Army officer Mexican War. Papers including letter of recommendation 1846, signed by the medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania; notebook, containing notes from South America, 1849; medical school lecture notes; pencil sketch of VMI in 1842 by Cadet Deyerle.
Dooley, Edwin L. Jr. Collection. (MS 0295)
A collection of research materials compiled by historian Edwin L. Dooley Jr. The bulk concerns the history of the Ecole Polytechnique and related research files. Also, material concerning Claudius Crozet, including information about his birthplace.
Earle, Robert A. Papers (MS 0315)
Class of 1927; Marine Corps officers, World War II; Capt., U.S. Coast, and Geodetic Survey. Include VMI scrapbook (1923-1927), photos from service in the Marine Corps during World War II (Pacific Theater), misc. papers and photos dating from Earle's 37 year career with the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and misc. military papers.
Edwards, Murray French. Diary. (MS 0038)
Murray French Edwards (Class of 1907) was a Professor of German at VMI for most of his career. Travel diary, in German, describing trip to Germany in summer 1913.
Ellzey, Mason G., Collection. (MS 0164).
Class of 1860. Letters of recommendation written on behalf.
Ezekiel, Moses Jacob. Papers. (MS 0010) Available Online (selected items)
Miscellaneous papers of noted 19th century sculptor Moses J. Ezekiel (b. 1844 d. 1917), a member of the Class of 1866 and New Market cadet. Correspondence, pen and ink drawings, and other items. Related: Ezekiel photograph collection.
Ferebee, J. Smith. Papers (MS 0318)
Class of 1927; sportsman, insurance executive. Papers include clippings, photographs, printed material, and correspondence, 1923-1990, that document Ferebee's widely publicized golf marathons (1938) and other sports interests, and his career with the Equitable insurance company.
Finklehoffe, Fred F. Collection (MS 0230)
VMI Class of 1932; co-author, with John Monks, Jr., of "Brother Rat". Manuscript of an early version of the play Brother Rat, ("When the Roll is Called") written while a cadet; screenplays, clippings, and scrapbooks from Mr. Finklehoffe's cadetship and career.
Foresman, Henry J. Papers (MS 0451)
Class of 1941. Papers consist primarily of Foresman's World War II service records; family genealogy.
Garrow, Harris W., Letters. (MS 0151)
VMI Class of 1865 and New Market cadet. Correspondence (2 items), 1904 and 1916.
Gibbs, Edwin A. , papers (MS 0273)
VMI Class of 1877. Miscellaneous items pertaining to his medical career.
Gibbs, Nellie Tracy, collection. (MS 0126)
VMI Librarian, 1908-1931; d. 1948, Lexington. Fragment of a personal scrapbook compiled by Nellie T. Gibbs, VMI Librarian from 1908-1931. Collection also contains postcards and miscellaneous correspondence. Related: VMI scrapbooks collection contain multiple volumes compiled by Gibbs.
Gibson, Mennis L. , papers (MS 0347)
VMI Class of 1921. Two documents concerning Gibson's enlistment in and discharge from the Army Air Corps during World War I.
Gilham, William. Papers (MS 0267)
Faculty member, 1846-1864. Includes Gilham's letters of application and recommendation for a Professorship at VMI; misc. correspondence and other documents and photos.
Goodwyn Family Papers (MS 0453)
Papers of the Philo H. Goodwyn family of New Orleans, Louisiana. Goodwyn's children included McGavock R. (VMI Class of 1863) and Frank W. (VMI Class of 1862)
Gray, Elmon T., Papers (MS 0504)
Small collection of misc. personal papers, including biographical information, certificates, and photos. Elmon T. Gray (VMI Class of 1946; b. 1925 d. 2011) was a longtime Virginia State Senator and served on the VMI Board of Visitors. These papers do not include substantive documents from his professional or political careers.
Green, Duff. Collection (MS 0323)
Eight documents from the career of army officer Duff Green, VMI Class of 1929, including U.S. Army commission and other certificates.
Greene, Frederick S., Papers (MS 0208)
Class of 1890, Major AEF WWI, author; Superintendent of Public Works for state of New York. Misc. papers including scripts of four plays; detail study (from New Market painting) of the face of a New Market cadet by artist Benjamin West Clinedinst; WWI maps; photos.
Gwathmey, Allan T., papers (MS 0464)
Certificates, diplomas, and misc. items relating the educational history of Allan T. Gwathmey, VMI Class of 1923.
Hardin, Mark B., Papers (MS 0440)
Educator who taught chemistry at the Virginia Military Institute and at Clemson University. Bulk consists of letters to his siblings, 1864-1899.
Hunter, Robert F., Collection. (MS 0052)
Professor of History, VMI, 1954-1986. Bulk consists of edited typescript and illustrations for Hunter's book, Claudius Crozet.
Illig, John S., scrapbook (MS 0111)
Musician; member of the VMI band 1869-1899; died in Lexington, Virginia, 1903. Scrapbook (fragment) with 20 items documenting Illig's life, including passport and other items dating from his years in Germany.
James, Rorer A., Papers (MS 0368)
Class of 1882; lawyer, state legislator, newspaper owner, businessman in Danville, Virginia; member VMI Board of Visitors; d. 1921, Danville, VA. Miscellaneous papers, 1882-1921.
Kilbourne, Charles E., personal papers (MS 0511)
Class of 1894, U. S. Army General, VMI Superintendent 1937-1946.
King, W. Marshall, documents (MS 0340)
Class of 1921. Papers contain 3 items, including U. S. Army commissions.
Lane, James H. Family (MS 0304)
Collection, 2 items, including drawing of a railroad engine, signed "James H. Lane, 1899".
Lee, William Fitzhugh, document (MS 00326)
United States Army Commission document of William Fitzhugh Lee, VMI Class of 1853, dated August 1856.
Luke, John M., papers (MS #0302)
Class of 1900; World War I veteran; teacher and clergyman; d. 1951. Misc., 1900-1928, including letters of recommendation.
Lyne, Cassie Moncure, Scrapbooks. (MS 0461).
Scrapbooks ca. 1930-1943, compiled by Cassie Moncure Lyne. Bulk relates to the genealogy of the Moncure and Lyne families and to the Civil War.
Magoffin, Beriah Jr. Map. (MS 0416).
Reproduction of an 1898 map of the "Klondike and Indian River Gold Districts" drawn by civil and mining engineer Beriah Magoffin, Jr. (Virginia Military Institute Class of 1893).
Major, Julian Neville, Papers. (MS 0424)
Papers, 1904-1912, of Julian Neville Major, VMI Class of 1907. Primarily of family correspondence, including letters written by Major to his family while he served as Professor of Mathematics and Engineering at St. John's University, a Protestant college in Shanghai, China.
Mann, John H. C., collection (MS 0227)
Class of 1921; Civil Engineer and Professor of Engineering. Testimonial letters from Mann's former students at VMI, presented to him when he retired from the Engineering Department in 1967; misc. other.
Marshall, Samuel W. Jr., Papers (MS 0364)
Class of 1925; United States Army officer, WWII; Documents from the career of Samuel W. Marshall, Jr., a consulting engineer whose area of expertise was weapons guidance systems.
Maury, Matthew Fontaine. Papers. (MS 0103). Available online
Personal correspondence (1833-1873) of Matthew Fontaine Maury (b.1806 d. 1873), oceanographer, Confederate States Navy Commander, and educator. Letters (ca. 148 items) written by MFM to various members of his family.
McCarthy, Frank., Collection (MS 0350)
Class of 1933; War Dept. General Staff & Secretary to Gen. George C. Marshall; BG U.S. Army Reserve; producer of movie Patton; Misc materials from the life of Frank McCarthy, articles written by McCarthy during his VMI cadetship and during the two years after graduation; script for the newsreel "West Point of the South" (1936); and items from the production of the movie Patton (1970)
McClure, William G., papers. (MS 0415)
Papers documenting the U.S. Marine Corps career of William G. McClure, Jr., Virginia Military Institute Class of 1943. The bulk of the papers concern the period of his active duty during World War II, when he served with the 1st Marine Division in the Pacific.
Meyer, Alvin F. Jr., papers. (MS 0414)
Class of 1941; engineer. The bulk pertains to Meyer's career with the United States Air Force, 1941-1969.
Millner, Samuel M., papers (MS 0256)
Class of 1911; Professor of French at VMI, 1911-1961. Personal papers, including correspondence with his wife Esther Ayres Millner and with classmates.
Moncure Family Misc. Papers. (MS 0416). 1849 cadet letter available online
Miscellaneous letters and other documents to and from various members of the Moncure family, who have a long association with VMI. A complete inventory is located in the folder with the documents. Related collection: MS 0461 Cassie Moncure Lyne Scrapbooks
Monks, John C., collection (MS 0229)
Class of 1932; writer, director, producer. Typescript manuscript (1944) of the book A Ribbon and A Star. The Third Marines at Bougainville, published in 1945; cadetship photos.
Morrison, Emmett M. Commission document. (MS 0160)
VMI Class of 1861. Document, 1872, appointing Emmett M. Morrision a Brigadier General of the 8th Brigade, 4th Division, of the Virginia Militia.
Naisawald, L. VanLoan. Collection. (MS 0050)
Class of 1942; army officer, editor, author. Bulk are drafts and notes relating to publication of Naisawald's book, Grape and Canister. Misc. additional items.
Newbold, Gilbert L., papers (MS 0265)
Class of 1942; Intelligence Officer, World War II; State Dept. Foreign Service officer; Chief East Asia and Pacific Branch, U.S. Information Agency/Voice of America, 1950's-1960's. Includes material concerning the VOA operation in South Vietnam.
Neikirk, Joseph D., collection (MS 0308)
Miscellaneous papers of Joseph Neikirk, VMI Class of 1932, who served as Executive Vice President of the VMI Foundation from 1954 until his retirement in 1978.
Oliver, Thomas T., collection (MS 0305)
Four citations, 1967-1968, awarded Captain Thomas T. Oliver (VMI Class of 1963), who was killed in action in Vietnam on February 7, 1968.
Patton Family papers (MS 0360)
A collection of 35 miscellaneous documents, 1855-1924, relating to various members of the Patton family. Primary subjects are the three individuals named George S. Patton--father, son, and grandson--all of whom attended VMI.
Patton family biographical manuscript (MS 0320)
Biographical sketch of John M. Patton Sr. (b. 1797) and his 7 sons, all of whom served in the Confederate States Army.
Patton, George S., compositions (MS 0253)
Class of 1907 (attended for one year, 1903-1904); General U.S. Army. One essay and three poems by George S. Patton. The essay (2 pages), ca. 1903, discusses the significance of the VMI Corps' participation in the Battle of New Market (May 1864) and the New Market ceremony; it was probably written during the year Patton attended VMI or shortly thereafter.
Pendleton, Edmund, letter (MS0115)
Class of 1842; Col. 15th Louisiana Infantry, CSA; lawyer and state legislator. Letter, 1847, discussing passage of the James River bill in the Virginia Legislature.
Preston, John T. L., papers (MS 0240)
John T. L. Preston, one of the founders of the VMI and a member of the faculty from 1839-1875. Papers include letter, 1864, to Gen. Stonewall Jackson; "brief historical sketch" of VMI written for the semi-centennial in 1889; other personal documents.
Purdie, Kenneth S., Papers (MS 0104)
Class of 1912; VMI faculty member. Miscellaneous papers, including subject files; correspondence; documents (1916) concerning the Culver Military Academy, Culver, Indiana; photos.
Ross, Erskine Mayo. Papers (MS 0334)
Class of 1865; New Market cadet; co-founder of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; lawyer and judge. Three certificates relating to his legal career.
Semmes,Thomas M., speech (MS 0166)
Class of 1860; VMI Faculty member, 1860-1904. Manuscript of a speech concerning Stonewall Jackson, ca. 1892
Sinclair, Richard B., collection (MS 0348)
Class of 1931; collection (17 items) consists of World War II era maps and listings of geodesic points used by Sinclair while fighting in Europe; and Sinclair's VMI cadet account book, listing school expenses 1927-1931.
Smith, Francis W., letters. (MS 0096).
VMI Class of 1856; Letters (12 items), 1859-1860, from Francis Williamson Smith and others to artist Alexander Galt. Letters concern Smith family portraits; bust of Philip St. George Cocke.
Staubly, Woodville G., letter (MS 0212)
Class of 1877; pharmacist; died before 1903. Letter, 1882, written from Fort Grant, Arizona Territory. Staubly discusses Native Americans condemned to death for a massacre at Fort Apache, and other aspects of U.S. government policy.
Steidtmann, Edward, diary. (MS 0145)
VMI faculty member (Professor of Mineralogy and Geology). Diary kept during his trip to Alaska in the summer and fall of 1918.
Sun, Li Jen, collection (MS 0299)
Miscellaneous World War II items (1940-1945) from the estate of General Li Jen Sun, VMI Class of 1927. 9 photographs; 1 book owned by Sun, "The Chinese Army in India-Burma Campaign."
Tanner, Robert G. Collection. (MS 0049)
Class of 1969; attorney; author. Items relating to the publication of Tanner's 1976 book, Stonewall in the Valley. Includes drafts, proofs, publisher correspondence.
Tidwell, William A., papers (MS 0426)
Class of 1939. Miscellaneous personal papers (17 items). During his military career he worked primarily as an Intelligence officer and was assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1950's and 1960's. Routine correspondence; certificates.
Towne, Roger E., papers (MS 0366)
Class of 1936. Collection, 1932-1960, of diary, scrapbooks and photograph album principally documenting the VMI cadetship and army career of Roger E. Towne.
Townes, John E., papers (MS 0487)
Class of 1907 and VMI Professor of History for 35 years. Photo albums, diplomas, misc. papers from cadetship and subsequent career in the U. S. Army Coast Artillery Corps (1908-1920) and at VMI as a faculty member (1921-1956).
Turner, Robert K., Collection. (MS 0003)
Proofs and other pre-publication materials relating to the book Letters of a New Market Cadet edited by VMI faculty members Turner and John G. Barrett. Most of the original documents that appear in the book are located in the Jaqueline Beverly Stanard Papers, VMI.
Upshur, Alfred P., Collection (MS 0420)
Miscellaneous papers (11 items) of Dr. Alfred P. Upshur, VMI Class of 1904, whose career included service in the Army Medical Corps. Primarily commission documents and certificates.
Waddill, Edmund C., papers (MS 0280)
Class of 1903. Commissions and certificates (10 items)from the army career of Edmund C. Waddill.
Waddy, John R. , document. (MS 0091).
VMI Class of 1853. Letter of recommendation for Army commission Superintendent Francis H. Smith, 1856.
Webb, John S., Papers. (MS 0040).
Misc. professional papers (17 items, 1883-1905) of John S. Webb, Class of 1867 and New Market cadet. Webb spent most of his career as a civil engineer/
Welles, Paul, papers. (MS 0141)
VMI Faculty member (Professor of German and French), 1930-1950. Personal papers, 1897-1950, including correspondence and diaries (1928-1950), records from his military career (1916-1919); photos; speeches; certificates.
Williamson, Sydney B., papers (MS 0206) Online Exhibit
VMI Class of 1884; civil engineer; Pacific Division engineer for Panama Canal construction, 1906-1914. Papers include extensive material, 1906-1914, documenting the construction of the Panama Canal, including project and planning files, drawings, photographs, correspondence and reports; also papers about Williamson's other engineering projects in South America and the United States, and his service with the Interoceanic Canal Board and the Goethals Memorial Committee.
Wise, Henry A., papers. (MS 0123)
Class of 1927; lawyer, Watertown; Capt. U.S. Army during World War II; New York state legislator; author of the VMI history, Drawing Out the Man. Personal papers including general and family correspondence, subject files, and materials relating to the publication of his book, Drawing Out the Man: The VMI Story.
Wise, Jennings Cropper, Papers. (MS 0004)
Personal papers, 1910-1960, of Jennings C. Wise (b. 1881 d. 1968. VMI Class of 1902), lawyer, army officer, VMI faculty member and author. Included are extensive correspondence files that document all aspects of Wise's career, with particular emphasis upon his lifelong concern with issues affecting VMI.
Youell, Rice M., collection. (MS 0417)
A collection (10 items) of certificates and other items from the career of Rice McNutt Youell, VMI Class of 1914. Included are the citations for the Croix de Guerre and the Distinguished Service Cross, dating from his service in France during World War I.