Cadet Research News

Maj. Steven Knepper and Krystal Graves discuss her summer research project on the Iliad.—VMI Photo by Mary Price.

SURI Project Explores Ancient and Modern Perspectives on War

June 19, 2019

Krystal Graves '20 is delving into the ancient past to learn about ancient and modern views of war.

Tristan Howard ’20 and Col. Barry Cobb discuss Howard’s research on staffing needs for healthcare.—VMI Photo by Mary Price.

Healthcare SURIs Explore Cost Savings, Security

June 13, 2019

Two cadets are working on summer research projects that could save money for healthcare systems.

Annika Tice builds rock sculptures with middle school girls.

Cadets, Faculty Lead Girls' Camp

June 28, 2018

At the new Girls Leadership Exchange Camp, hosted by VMI cadets and faculty, local girls learn about academic opportunities available to them in the STEAM fields.

Natural History In the Lab

August 4, 2016

A summer project is organizing, stabilizing, and preserving part of the vast collection of nematodes at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Sam Hudson '17 shows a flash card to a research subject.

Project Explores How Exercise Affects Self-Control

July 18, 2016

Summer Undergraduate Research Institute project looks at how physical exertion affects self-control.

Professor and two cadets in lab

Energy from Carbon Dioxide?

June 30, 2016

Chemistry assistant professor Maj. Dan Harrison '05 and two cadets research ways to make fuel from carbon dioxide in Summer Undergraduate Research Institute project.

Maj. John David and Christian Helms looking at papers

Football Metrics: Playing to Learn

June 23, 2016

One cadet's summer research project uses simulations executed on a video game to determine the value of positions on the football field.

VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders