2016-2017 | Natural History In the Lab
VMI Ranks First in State for ROI

VMI provided a $660,000 20-year return on investment based on the in-state tuition rate. – VMI Photo by Ashlie Walter.
LEXINGTON, Va., June 6, 2017 – Virginia Military Institute ranked 33rd out of nearly 1,400 colleges and universities across the country in Payscale’s annual College Return on Investment Report.
The Institute placed first among schools in the state of Virginia based on the in-state tuition rate. A CNBC analysis of the report placed VMI 12th among public institutions, focusing on in-state tuition costs.
According to PayScale, at the in-state tuition rate, VMI provided a $660,000 20-year return on investment. The out-of-state tuition rate provided a $574,000 return on investment.
Other Virginia schools to make the top 100 were the University of Virginia at number 52, Virginia Tech at number 59, Washington and Lee University at number 84, and George Mason University at number 91.
The best value college overall was the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy followed by Harvey Mudd College and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The compensation data firm ranked colleges by evaluating the best monetary return for their alumni via low cost of attendance, high earning potential, or a combination of the two.
–Ashlie Walter