Who we are
If you have an emergency, contact 911.
Post safety is enhanced when the VMI community recognizes indicators of potential concern and shares this information with the Threat Assessment Team (TAT) in a timely manner. To refer a behavior or situation of concern to the Threat Assessment Team, contact one of the members listed below:
- Chief Michael Marshall, Chief of VMI Police Department; marshallml@vmi.edu; 540-464-7017
- Lt. Col. Ellie Kania, Director, Human Resources; kaniael@vmi.edu; 540-464-7159
- Brig. Gen. Dallas Clark, Deputy Superintendent for Finance, Administration, and Support; clarkdb@vmi.edu, 540-464-7321
- David Copeland, M.D., Post Physician; copelanddl@vmi.edu; 540-464-7218
- SFC Christopher Bean, Assistant Commandant; beancs@vmi.edu; 540-464-7413
- Col. Sarah Jones, Psy.D.; Director, Center for Cadet Counseling & Office of Disabilities Services, jonessl10@vmi.edu; 540-464-7667
- Col. Robert McDonald, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; mcdonaldrl@vmi.edu; 540-464-7212
- Col. Adrian Bogart, Commandant; bogartat@vmi.edu; 540-464-7313
- Col. Rober Phillips, Chaplain; phillipsre@vmi.edu; 540-464-7460