Office of the Chaplain
Ministering to the Corps of Cadets as the Institute Chaplain comes with a profound sense of personal calling and responsibility. I love cadets and cherish the opportunity to ensure that each one is cared for and has the ability to connect with their faith in meaningful ways. The mission of our office is to ensure the free exercise of religion and to provide pastoral care regardless of religious affiliation. That means caring for all cadets. It means showing them compassion and support during what can otherwise be one of the most challenging times of their lives. Some cadets struggle with their faith, like I did. Others experience the painful loss of a family member or loved one. Many cadets are in the middle of navigating difficult life decisions or relationships. Some cadets just have a bad day and need someone to talk with to provide encouragement or a brief prayer. In each of these cases, that’s where I want to be – supporting, encouraging, and meeting the needs of cadets.
On this webpage, you will see some of the practical ways the Chaplain’s Office cares for cadets and carries out its mission. Chaplain Facemire, Mrs. Cannon, and I count it a sincere joy to ensure cadets feel seen and supported by our office. The programs, initiatives, and events that you’ll read about are just a few of the ways we come alongside cadets. The uncaptured day-to-day care and conversations, the walk-throughs in barracks, the after-hours visits, and responses to cadets in crisis is where much of our most meaningful work is accomplished. Nevertheless, my prayer is that the information on this page is an encouragement to you that we love caring for cadets and sharing in both their struggles and joys as they make their way through VMI.
I hope you will stop by our office to visit whenever you can. Our door is always open.
— Col. John P. Casper '04, D.Min., Institute Chaplain
Our Mission
The mission of the Chaplain’s Office is to ensure the free exercise of religion and to provide pastoral care regardless of religious affiliation.
What We Do
The office is guided in its mission by its Five Lines of Effort:
1. Ensure free exercise of religion.
2. Provide pastoral care regardless of religious affiliation.
3. Contribute to the moral and ethical leadership development of cadets.
4. Provide comprehensive ministry support programs.
5. Advise the administration on issues of religion, morale, and cadet well-being.
Our Staff

Chaplain (Colonel) John P. Casper ’04, D.Min.
Institute ChaplainOld Hospital | 540-464-7460 |

Chaplain (Captain) Eli B. D. Facemire ‘19
Associate Chaplain to the Corps of CadetsOld Hospital | 540-464-7390 |

Mrs. Mary Cannon
Office AssistantOld Hospital | 540-464-7390 |