For Teachers

“I regard it as a great error to require a child to study what his mind is not capable of appreciating. The tendency is to diminish his fondness for study; to give him a vague way of thinking, since he is not accustomed to see the precise point; and by overtasking the mind, his health both of body and mind are endangered."

—Letter from Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson to his sister regarding the education of her son. October 23, 1858.

Children listen to a docent during a tour. Class Tours

To schedule a tour for your class, call 540-464-7704 or email Pamela Kouamé

Student admission for group tours on weekdays is $3.00,  accompanying adults are $5.00, and teachers are free of charge. 

Domestic Life in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Geared to grades K-2

SOLs: History and Social Science K.2, 1.1, 2.3; English K.3f, 2.3c; Science K.4cStudents will have the chance to discover the differences between the past and the present by exploring the lifestyle and home of a small, urban, middle-class family living in the Shenandoah Valley in the 1850s.

Students discover the differences between past and present by exploring the lifestyle and home of a small, urban, middle-class family living in the Shenandoah Valley in the 1850s.

Interactive Tour of the Jackson House

Grades 4 and 5 

SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1a, VS.1e; USI.1a, USI.1b, USI.9d; English 4.1b, 5.1a; Health 4.4e, 5.2d

This tour illustrates what it was like to live and work in the mid-nineteenth century, and allows the opportunity to discover the difference between past and present. Students are active participants at the house, performing chores, practicing period etiquette, and trying on period clothing. The tour emphasizes Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's struggle to obtain an education, his job as a professor at Virginia Military Institute, his health habits, and the self-discipline and determination that made him a model citizen and successful general. This tour may be adapted for older or younger students.

Stonewall Jackson in Lexington

High School

SOLs: History and Social Science VUS.1aThis tour is an overview of the life of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. It focuses on the factors that contributed to his development from a respected—but ordinary—citizen to a famous Confederate General. Students will get an opportunity to visit five-period rooms as they learn about the life of this determined and dedicated man.

Overview of the life of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson which focuses on factors that contributed to his development from a respected—but ordinary—citizen to a famous Confederate General. Students visit five-period rooms as they learn about the life of this determined and dedicated man.

Portrait of Gen. Stonewall Jackson (Hull or Parkersburg)These materials are designed to help teachers introduce or reinforce concepts presented to students during a visit to the Jackson House. While they may be used as stand-alone lesson plans, the materials work better when coupled with a field trip to the house.

"Stonewall" Jackson's Virginia Map Exercise

Mapping exercise in which students identify key geographic regions of Virginia, Civil War battlefields, and dates.
•  Grade 4
•  SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1i, VS.2b, VS.2c

Visiting the Jackson House

A reading selection followed by instructions for making your own calling cards.
• Grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1a, USI.1a; English 4.3a, 4.3b, 5.4a

Family Tree

Contains a short history of Jackson’s family which may be read aloud to students, or read by students themselves; also contains guidelines for students to prepare their own family trees.
•  Grades 4 and 5
•  SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1e, USI.1b

Jackson's Antebellum Travels

A mapping activity. Students locate and label various places, then draw their own conclusions about 19th-century travel and culture.
•  Grades 4 and 5
•  SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1d, VS.1h, VS.1i, USI.1e, USI.2d; English 4.3a,
5.4a, 5.6c

A Letter to "My Dear Nephew"

An introduction to primary sources, and an exercise in spelling and grammar.
•  Grades 4 and 5
•  SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1a, USI.1a; English 4.8, 5.9

Daily Routine of Major Jackson

Students use secondary sources to compare and contrast their daily routine with Thomas J. Jackson's.
•  Grades 4 and 5
•  SOLs: History and Social Science VS1.1a, VS1.1d, VS1.1e, USI.1a, USI.1b; English 4.1d,
4.1e, 5.1a

Discovering Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson: A Biography

A reading selection followed by a reading comprehension exercise.
•  Grade 5
•  SOLs: English 5.4a, 5.6g


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